Spotlight: INWED Spotlight – Ellie Bayton

In celebration of International Women in Engineering Day on the 23rd of June, we will be dedicating our team spotlight sessions to the talented women that represent us every day. This year’s theme is ‘enhanced by engineering,’ something that our teams understand very well with our engineers at the forefront of innovative solutions, driving progress, and building a more sustainable future through their knowledge and expertise.

For our first session, we are very proud to introduce Ellie Bayton, a Consultant based in our Stockport office. Since joining the Fichtner UK renewables team, Ellie has been managing the design review process for a multi-site solar PV portfolio and has completed a number of Independent Technical Expert assessments for a variety of technologies.

Find out more about Ellie’s career, achievements and guidance for those starting out in their engineer careers, below!

Q: What inspired your career path into engineering 

Growing up, my dad was always building something or working on a project, where you should find cutlery in the kitchen drawers at home, you’ll find a selection of screwdrivers instead! I spent a lot of time with him in the machine shed at work, or his tool shed at home. That, coupled with having some brilliant maths teachers in school, meant that engineering always felt like the natural path.

Q: Tell us a bit about what your role involves and the sectors/technologies you focus on? 

I joined Fichtner in February 2024 as part of the Renewables team and so far, have been involved with a range of utility scale solar projects. The team covers solar, BESS and wind technologies, in a range of roles, from initial project due diligence through to managing construction as an owner’s engineer. My role includes conducting energy yield assessments, using PVsyst, for projects at every stage of development.

Q: In honour of International Women in Engineering Day on the 23rd, can you explain how your work contributes to a brighter and more sustainable future for the UK and Ireland? 

Every project that the Renewables team works on, whether it’s solar, BESS or wind, contributes to making the energy we use day to day, cleaner and more sustainable. There are many aspects to tackling the climate crisis, but renewable energy generation and grid balancing is a crucial part of it.




Q: Can you tell us about a particular project/career highlight?

I started my career in the aerospace industry, working on a solar powered high altitude aircraft. I was fortunate to be part of the team which travelled to Australia to prepare for and conduct the first flight. Seeing something you’ve worked so hard on, achieve success, is incredibly rewarding. I’m looking forward to having that moment with Fichtner in the future.

Q: What is the best piece of advice you would give to women starting out in their engineering careers? 

Change your mindset from “I can’t do that” to “I look forward to learning how to do that”. It instantly changes the situation from a closed door to an open one, with a new opportunity to learn. There are so many interesting and different things to do with a career in engineering, just because you were educated or trained in a particular subject, doesn’t mean you can’t move in a different direction if that’s where your interest lies. It won’t necessarily be easy but don’t be afraid to work hard for it and advocate for yourself, it will always be worth it.